The Prospector's Story
by Helen Tracy
512 words
Flesch-Kincaid Readability 2.76
Reading Comprehension Skill: Making Predictions
Literature Skill: Irony
Discussion Questions
After reading the title and the first sentence, what do you think this story will be about?
Why do you think Harrigan wants gold so much?
Why were the six months at sea worse than the slums of New York?
When Harrigan arrives in San Francisco, do you think he will succeed?
How does Harrigan get his equipment?
How does being tough help Harrigan?
Do you think anybody ever loved Harrigan?
What does this sentence mean? "Gold bought power, real power."
When Harrigan found himself in the desert, could you predict what would happen? Explain.
In the end, Harrigan got what he always wanted. Did it make him happy? Why or why not?
How does the ending make you feel?
To the teacher: Suggest research topics such as the following:
The California Gold Rush
Travel across the United States before trains
New York Gangs in the early nineteenth century