The Great Man
by Helen Tracy
632 words
Flesch-Kincaid Readability 3.41
Reading Comprehension Skill: Main Idea
Literature Skill: First Person Narrator
Discussion Questions
How good do you think a black director would have to be before people stop calling him or her a "good black director"?
Why are the actors a little nervous at first to be working with Mr. Tyrone?
Do you ever feel that the narrator is talking directly to you? Where?
How do you know that this story is being told by a first person narrator? Describe the narrator.
Do you trust the narrator's point of view? Explain.
Does Phil's explanation of why Mr. Tyrone is not working with him make sense to you? Do you believe it when he says it?
Is there anything at the beginning of the story that gives you a clue to the ending?
What is the main idea of the story?